I'm a superhero call me when you need
Coming from the smoke that you can breathe
I'm a tiny man with a green cloack
I'll be glad to show you the colour of your soul
Give a shot
If you want to kiss me I'll show you the way
Closer to your mind to an higher place
Light up the fire of your spirit's sound
Throw away the shadows and enjoy this view
When you are so fucking low
I will take you for a ride
New sensations to reborn
Feel like one with all your kind
Superskank !
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Superskank di Jail Underdog:
La canzone Superskank si trova nell'album Sentenced uscito nel 2011.

L'articolo Jail Underdog - Superskank testo lyric di Jail Underdog è apparso su Rockit.it il 2012-11-27 04:24:22