James Meadow - Heavy sky of home testo lyric



Wondering if you were a shadow met before
down here tonight
wondering what to tell you while every ray seems to know it well
playing with your hair
too many rights and wrongs, enough of banal words
under this heavy sky of home

I’m the scarecrow on the land
facing the laziness of every man
I’m the confident of the moon
for a different vision upon this world
under this heavy sky of home
under this heavy sky of home

Been like this dried slaw waiting for the rain
skinned by the wind
leaves are whispering in an obscure language
«take your time»
but I’m tired of the sparrows clamor spoon fed on daily problems
under this heavy sky of home

I’m the scarecrow on the land
facing the laziness of every man
I’m the confident of the moon
for a different vision upon this world
under this heavy sky of home
under this heavy sky of home

Cars are stepping on sunset fingers got caught
in some bush beside the road
crowds are cheering for a renewed brotherhood
in one vibrant tone
the power of the union, the fading sense of the beauty
under this heavy sky of home

I’m the scarecrow on the land
facing the laziness of every man
I’m the confident of the moon
for a different vision upon this world
under this heavy sky of home
under this heavy sky of home


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Heavy sky of home di James Meadow:


La canzone Heavy sky of home si trova nell'album A scarecrow sight uscito nel 2020 per IRD.

Copertina dell'album A scarecrow sight, di James Meadow

L'articolo James Meadow - Heavy sky of home testo lyric di James Meadow è apparso su Rockit.it il 2021-07-30 12:25:24


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