Jellyfish - Calling Sarah testo lyric


Calling Sarah, crawling back to Sarah cause you're the one
I know it sounds unfair, she's like a painting standing there
I thank the heavens up above for the one I'm thinking of
Calling Sarah, crawling back to Sarah, cause you're the one
Sometimes it's awful hard to take, the way she takes me all the way
She's delicious beyond compare
I'd love to tell her but instead I stare
Calling Sarah, crawling back to Sarah
And when you ask me if I really love you I can't wait to tell you
And if you ever feel you don't believe and don't you trust your feeling
Cause it'd be so hard to take your away i wouldn't last one day
That's why I'm calling sarah crawling back to sarah
Calling Sarah, crawling back to Sarah cause you're the one
And when you ask me if i love you i say ye ye ye
And when i ask you if you want to you say ye ye ye
And when you ask me if i miss you you say ye ye ye
And when i ask if i can kiss you you say ye ye ye oh you say
And when you ask me if i love you i say ye ye ye oh i say
And when i ask you if you want to you say ye ye ye
And when you ask me if i miss i miss you i miss you
And when i ask if i can kiss you you say ye ye ye
Calling Sarah, crawling back to Sarah
Calling Sarah, crawling back to,
Cause you're the one


La canzone Calling Sarah si trova nell'album Fan Club uscito nel -0001.

L'articolo Jellyfish - Calling Sarah testo lyric di Jellyfish è apparso su il 2005-10-22 00:00:00


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