Biografia Jesenya
I Jesenya nascono agli inizi dell'estate 2008 dalla passione di due amici per il rock'n'roll e il blues degli anni '70. Robert De Chazal e Riccardo Messori (in arte Richie Richards) si conoscono per puro caso,instaurando una forte amicizia che li porta a formare i Jesenya. Cominciano a scrivere brani per il loro primo album dal titolo "Nasty Experience",che contiene sonorità rock'n'roll,blues e country. La presenza e lo stile sia di suonare che di vestire è tipica degli anni '70,coinvolgente ed esplosiva. Pronti a partire aggiungono alla band un bassista (Andrea Cortenova alias "The Funky Man") e un batterista, con lo stesso sprint e la stessa grinta loro. Tuttavia la situazione non è ancora del tutto stabile con il batterista, ma i Jesenya non si fermano alla ricerca di qualcun'altro,per fare prove e trovare la giusta stabilità per creare il giusto sound e la giusta scena sul palco. Presto c'è un nuovo arrivo nei Jesenya,Davide Farina (alias Dave Faro) alla batteria,con tanta grinta e la mania per Buddy Rich. La formazione pare trovare la giusta sintonia tra i quattro ragazzi,e l'album ormai sta per essere rilasciato sulla rete,scaricabile gratuitamente. English form Jesenya was born from an idea of two friends (Richie Richards & Ben the Little Hammer), that created a group of 4 characters, product of their imagination. In the beginnings there was a strange sound, electric and melodic at the same time. After this formation, in the summer of 2008, a new guy added himself to the group: Robert De Chazal (R/T). The sound of Jesenya in that period changed radically into rock'n'roll of the '70s. Influences were Rolling Stones, ZZ Top, Aerosmith and so on. Richie and Robert began to write songs for the group, and after some days came the singer, the sister of Ben, Emily. It seemed to go all right till a day when Richie and Robert thought that the voice of Emily wasn't good for that genre and that they needed a new voice for the group (with a bassist also). The official band was formed by Richie (vocals and guitar), Robert de Chazal (guitar),Andrea "Andrew" Cortenova (Bass) and Andrea "Frank" Zappa (Drums). The two guitarists continued to write songs for the first album till it was composed by 10 tracks. Recording "Nasty Experience" by the little studio of Richie Richards and having a good quality, the songs began to go all around the world by the net. Another drummer is coming to Jesenya,and for Frank,it's the end of the experience with the band. Davide Farina (alias Dave Faro) is the new drummer,a particular boy,inspired by Buddy Rich. The band has a good feeling through its members,and the recordings of the album proceed goodly.
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