Premi play per ascoltare il brano Ode to Love di Johnny on the Rise:
Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: *principale* (di @ con 4 brani)
Lyrics: Love is such a peculiar thing called love, and all the birds will sing of love, and all the bells will ring for you and me tonight can?t you see, this little four-letter word is changing history where it comes from, well it?s a mystery like a wave comes crashing down, like the moon it lifts us up to the stars above Love, I call out your name, and Love, I reach out to touch your face, but Love, you fly away, on the wings of a dove into the night Love, everyone?s talking about love, but she?s nowhere to be found, and love, here I am, take me up in your warm embrace tonight I want to sing an ode to love all night I want to sing an ode to love to you
La canzone Ode to Love si trova nell'album Down South uscito nel 2009.

L'articolo Johnny on the Rise - Ode to Love di Johnny on the Rise è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00