Premi play per ascoltare il brano Pretty Baby Blues di Johnny on the Rise:
Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: *principale* (di @ con 4 brani)
Lyrics: My baby wanna leave me She?ll walk out the door My pretty baby says, she ain?t comin? round here no more She don?t like my smokin? Says I drink too much My pretty baby, she?s just all fed up She said, no more women No more fun No more crazy nights out on the run Well settle down pretty baby, you sound like a nun So, I strapped on my shoes and set out into the sun I left my pretty baby I walked out the door I said, So long pretty baby, I can?t take it no more My pretty pretty baby tells me Don?t act like a fool You pretend you?re right, when you just wanna keep your cool Now she?s yelling at me Saying I ain?t no good My pretty baby, she never understood She said, no more women No more fun No more crazy nights out on the run Well settle down pretty baby, you sound like a nun So, I strapped on my shoes and set out into the sun I left my pretty baby I walked out the door I said, So long pretty baby, I can?t take it no more
La canzone Pretty Baby Blues si trova nell'album Down South uscito nel 2009.

L'articolo Johnny on the Rise - Pretty Baby Blues di Johnny on the Rise è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00