Justice - That's The Living In Me testo lyric


Suddenly, I found myself
Running out of lies, running out of excuses
Here I stand, no apologies
What else can I give
To cover the betrayal

That's the living in me

Suddenly the truth is staring
At my face, your face, his face
Can't go on with this shit
Running out of time,
Got no time to lose

Here I'm standing, got no ideas
The truth, they say, will never come
Here I'm standing, got no stories
The fairy tale has just begun

I leave you now, with another lie
As I always pretend, I am here
Right back to where it all began
Another circle ends
Another broken heart


La canzone That's The Living In Me si trova nell'album The Hammer Of Justice uscito nel -0001.

L'articolo Justice - That's The Living In Me testo lyric di Justice è apparso su Rockit.it il 2003-09-09 00:00:00


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