Dear friend,
It seems such an easy thing, to write some songs, to put the right dress on, to record the first album, to realize a dream. But nothing could be further from reality.
Every single part of this work of art is like a particle of an atom: maybe small but fundamental for its balance. After a beautiful and challenging year full of energy, passion and will, we are glad and proud to give you this album made of seven songs.
Each song is full of emotions and commitment, and you can hear and feel all of these things; this is the beginning of a long road and we are happy to share with you a part of this path. This is a present from Kids With The Crown to you: from our heart to your heart.
Thank you very much indeed, dear friend. A big hug and a kiss on your lips,
Kids With The Crown

Nothing is Lost
Kids With The Crown’s atom particles:
The wind, Marina e Pino, Massimiliano Rosati, R&B Studio, Rome and its streets, Rossella, Flavio Mazzocchi, Claudio Scozzafava, the Universe, Simone Massera, Matteo, Lucky, Valerio and Dario, Spirits and Ghosts, the siren of Venice, Stefano D’Anna, Clara, Marie Françoise Gremaud, Nehir Otgour, Bob, the schoolyard and its memories, Adolfo Soho Brunelli, Antonio Mori, MJ, Alessandro, Danilo, Gabriele, Tiziano, Amerigo Cascianelli, Leonardo, Vita, Giovanni, Sofia, the Sax, Diedonnè, hellosocrate, Chakras, strings of instruments, ufos and Saturn, the magic, sea waves and boats, the first vocal record ever made, 1860, the power of numbers, Roger, David and Lou, digital stuff, Ruiz, Little Hammer, Sandro, the goodbyes, dreams and visions