Kindred Connection - Lifeline testo lyric


I embrace the fact that I’m the one that step by step
Has to get close, so carefully
The cold is strong, my soul is warm
It keeps me going, there’s one last step
And now I’m here
They told me it was a sign of hope
I’m paralyzed and won by fear
What’s happening?
I think it’s time for me to run
To leave behind that binding voice
Inside my head
I’ll make it back just right now that I feel I’m needed
I wonder if I will be again
The lifeline for you and maybe then
We will set our expectations high
I wonder if you can see again
That I’d be completely lost without your help
Like a daisy flooded by the snow
And so on
Oh dear love me, love me now
Just please love me, love me now
And now again
Just please love me, love me now
I have picked that daisy
I have never wanted to leave it on its own
Like a moments tracker
I remember all the words of that spring night
It was intense
Show me all the shades of colors
Hidden in your blazing soul
I want to see
I have faced events that you don’t know
I’m not afraid of what’s inside your deepest fears
I’m the one that won’t let you in, I will run away
Maybe it was not the time
I wonder if I will see you again
I wonder If I have lost my friends
Maybe I have set the bar too high
I need the courage to fight back
To face the storm that clutters up my path
And this gonna be the key for my rebirth
And now on
Oh dear love me, love me now
Just please love me, love me now
And now again
Just please love me, love me now
I have come back and I will stay right here
Please wipe away the tears from your eyes
I won’t disappear, not even for a second
Never again
But you have to save me, save me now, please
You have to save me, save me now


La canzone Lifeline si trova nell'album Unexpected Revelations uscito nel 2017.

Copertina dell'album Unexpected Revelations, di Kindred Connection

L'articolo Kindred Connection - Lifeline testo lyric di Kindred Connection è apparso su il 2021-01-10 23:00:27


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