Krisj Wannabe - Are We Forgetting Something? testo lyric


Are we forgetting something?
The numbers
Don't add up
There's blood
On the crowned king
And more on
The higher-ups
It's always us
Breathing in
All their rust
It's always us
Breathing in
All their rust
Are we forgetting something?
When's the next 22 out
The wars aren't ending
And everyone loves
A fight
It's always us
Breathing in
All their rust
It's always us
Breathing in
All their rust
It's always us
Trapped in cycles
Of mistrust
And we just keep watching
It's always us
Trapped in cycles
Of mistrust
While they're dying
Are we forgetting something?
Are we forgetting something?
Are we forgetting something?
Are we forgetting something?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Are We Forgetting Something? di Krisj Wannabe:


La canzone Are We Forgetting Something? si trova nell'album カガミ・Mirror uscito nel 2025.

Copertina dell'album カガミ・Mirror, di Krisj Wannabe

L'articolo Krisj Wannabe - Are We Forgetting Something? testo lyric di Krisj Wannabe è apparso su il 2024-08-01 08:21:34


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