Krisj Wannabe - Somewhere testo lyric


Let me in
Cause you know
I'm struggling again
It's a sin
That I can't seem to
Lock in
It's just fair
That inside of me
There's a tear
Take a spin
And I wonder
If I could win
It's the truth
That's the only way
I'll win smooth
You know that it's the same
You know that it ain't fair
I tried to find you somewhere
But somewhere isn't there
I wonder where I've been
I wonder where I've been
I wonder where I'll go
I wonder where I'll go
You know that it's the same
You know that it ain't fair
I tried to find you somewhere
But somewhere isn't there


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Somewhere di Krisj Wannabe:


La canzone Somewhere si trova nell'album カガミ・Mirror uscito nel 2025.

Copertina dell'album カガミ・Mirror, di Krisj Wannabe

L'articolo Krisj Wannabe - Somewhere testo lyric di Krisj Wannabe è apparso su il 2024-08-01 08:21:34


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