Kyred - A Million Hues (REMIX) testo lyric

23/03/2025 - 10:14 Scritto da Kyred Kyred 0


We used to see the world through vibrant eyes
But now it's just black and white, no surprise
You cling to binaries, unable to see
The beauty of diversity, the colors free

Every attempt to bridge the gap
Seems to push us further, like a slap
We used to build castles in the air
But now it feels like we're beyond repair

We used to share our hopes and fears
But now it's just whispers, drowned in tears
Our conversations shallow, void of truth
Lost in the abyss of our youth

Every attempt to bridge the gap
Seems to push us further, like a slap
We used to build castles in the air
But now it feels like we're beyond repair

Oh, my friend, can't you see
The world's a rainbow, wild and free
A million hues, a million dreams
But we're stuck in silence, or so it seems

Ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh


Premi play per ascoltare il brano A Million Hues (REMIX) di Kyred:


Remix da me prodotto


Producer & Mix, Mastering: Kyred
Voce: Khaino


La canzone A Million Hues (REMIX) si trova nell'album A Million Hues uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album A Million Hues, di Kyred

L'articolo Kyred - A Million Hues (REMIX) testo lyric di Kyred è apparso su il 2025-03-23 10:14:15


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