LABOBROS - Bath Mat testo lyric

17/12/2021 - 10:50 Scritto da LABOBROS LABOBROS 3


In front of me, there’s a big sun

this is the name we gave to that big red ball

floating, floating up in the sky

feel the rays in your eyes

can never really feel like you’re touching the sun

what if we try to change that name

and playing it like a toy

sorry to be fallen into the claws of my cat

And every time I tried to explain myself

there was a hidden proper name I ignored

so what’s so wrong or right in words

As you could always create names

there’s nothing wrong to intent and try to touch a good sound

what if we follow our instinct first

and let the names spinning like in a circle of fan

what if we follow our instinct first

and let the names rolling like in a circle of fan

Rumour has it that he tattooed fake hair

on his top head

it’s a cult of blending artworks

combining dots for blending in nicely with his bath mat

No that’s not true that’s not true

you’ve got dots in your eyes

you are just so good playing words

spreading lies!!!

this is not like I am offending you

this is more like a talent and I show it off

I just set the right words in time


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Bath Mat di LABOBROS:


Veronica Luz Sucar
Fumie Masaki
Dawn Martinez
Antonello Cosenza
Sirma Kuncheva
Antonio Iapichino
Giuseppe Cirino
Jonatan Amato
Andrea Pontone
Carmen Dimitri
Roberto De Rosis
Serafino Zangaro
Tonio Carnevale
Antonia Rizzuti

VIDEO Bath Mat

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La canzone Bath Mat si trova nell'album Aru Kuro on Rhea Moon (2017) uscito nel 2017 per Routenote.

Copertina dell'album Aru Kuro on Rhea Moon (2017), di LABOBROS

L'articolo LABOBROS - Bath Mat testo lyric di LABOBROS è apparso su il 2021-12-17 10:50:49


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