Labyrinth - Freeman testo lyric


Hard to believe when there's nothing to see
Blind faith is not for me
We had a Christ we made him bleed
....And someone took his fee

Where is my God maybe he has forgotten
Or is it just careless now

There is a place for every free man
Who wants to stay out of the flock?

Never before never so strong
The need to walk alone
Dark is the mind 'cause I don't know
What tomorrow will be

There is a place for every free man
Who wants to stay out of the flock?
Don't know if it's right or wrong
But I still sing my song
Until I have the strength to carry on

How to believe when there's too much to see
Fake faith is not for me
We are alone when we die and when we are born
Life runs fast as a storm

There is a place for every free man
Who wants to stay out of the flock?
Don't know if it's right or wrong
But still I sing my song
Until I have the strength to carry on


La canzone Freeman si trova nell'album Freeman uscito nel 2004.

L'articolo Labyrinth - Freeman testo lyric di Labyrinth è apparso su il 2004-08-13 00:00:00


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