Labyrinth - No Limits testo lyric


Can you remember the time
Now I'm standing in this way
All my life for this time
Why? Can you feel me in this time?
Why? Can you see me in this time?
All that we love shall burn

No limits no pretenders
No limits no tomorrow

Can you remember the time
Why? Can you feel me in this time?
Why? Can you see me in this time?
All that we love shall burn

No limits no pretenders
No limits no tomorrow

Sitting all alone in the corner
A man is on the razor's edge
Now the woman's crying ...
(the) woman's into a secret place
Many, many miles away
She dreams of love

No limits no pretenders
No limits no tomorrow

[Music: Mangnani, Tordiglione]
[Lyrics: Tordiglione]


La canzone No Limits si trova nell'album No Limits uscito nel 1998.

L'articolo Labyrinth - No Limits testo lyric di Labyrinth è apparso su il 2004-08-13 00:00:00


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