Lacuna Coil - Daylight Dancer testo lyric


Answer me, it can't be so hard.
Cry to relieve what's in your heart.
Desolation, grief and agony.

Trying to move
Down in this grave.
Trying to believe in every faith
As another bridge to clarity.

Want to stay another way.

Take another chance
To find a distant sanity
And turn your pain into truth.
Take another chance
To fight a different enemy
And set it free.

Dance with me,
It can't be so hard
Time to reveal
What's in your heart.
Grief and agony.

Walking through a life decayed
While your repeating
Your mistakes.
There's another chance to try to get away.

Take another chance
To find a distant sanity
And turn your pain into truth.
Take another chance
To fight a different enemy
And try to set it free.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Daylight Dancer di Lacuna Coil:


La canzone Daylight Dancer si trova nell'album Comalies uscito nel 2001.

Copertina dell'album Comalies, di Lacuna Coil

L'articolo Lacuna Coil - Daylight Dancer testo lyric di Lacuna Coil è apparso su il 2001-01-22 00:00:00


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