I don't know if we'll be able
to carry on with this
But we are too related
Our love is too wide
if only I had you as a friend
It would already something
Even if my heart could suffer
because I would like to have you there
now and forever
Because I don't want to forget you
I would like to know how are you
I don't want to pull you
out of my dusty memories
of fall asleep and wake up next to you
Please, let's runaway
i'm dying here
Let's walk route 66
Me and you start packing
start packing, oh sweetie
I'm coming home
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Route 66 di Larsen Effect:
Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: senza nome (di @checcomaresca con 1 brani)
Antonio Vollono
La canzone Route 66 si trova nell'album 729 uscito nel 2020.

L'articolo Larsen Effect - Route 66 testo lyric di Larsen Effect è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-03-26 10:39:18