Larsen Effect - Your Eyes Are My Breath testo lyric


I know what I'm gonna say will be a great mistake
but I cant' stand any longer without you
I love you and I try to prove you with the best way
I know I'd like to hug you and dry your tears

We are the expetection
of a generation
We are depend on ourselves
We are related something unbroken

I need to love you
I need your voice to listen
I need your mouth to breath
andh your eyes to live

My heart beats hard
It seems to know you since always
With your hand stay here around mine
In that moment
I havent' asked nothing more expected your kis
To make me live one last time again with you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Your Eyes Are My Breath di Larsen Effect:


La canzone Your Eyes Are My Breath si trova nell'album 729 uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album 729, di Larsen Effect

L'articolo Larsen Effect - Your Eyes Are My Breath testo lyric di Larsen Effect è apparso su il 2020-03-26 10:39:18


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