Laura Pausini - One More Time testo lyric


Nothing I must do
Nowhere I should be
No one in my life
To answer tobut me

No more candlelight
No more purple skies
No one to benear
As my heart slowly dies

If I could hold you one more time
likein the days when you where mine
I'd look at you 'till I was blind
So youwould stay

I'd say a prayer each time you'd smile
Cradle the momentslike a child
I'd stop the world if only I
Could hold you one moretime


I've memorized your face
I know your touch byheart
Still lost in your embrace
I'd dream of where you are



If I could hold you one more time
Like in thedays when you were mine
I'd look at you 'till I was blind
So you wouldstay

I'd say a prayer each time you'd smile
Cradle the moments like achild
I'd stop the world if only I
Could hold you one more time

Onemore time


La canzone One More Time si trova nell'album 20 The Greatest Hits uscito nel 2012.

Copertina dell'album 20 The Greatest Hits, di Laura Pausini

L'articolo Laura Pausini - One More Time testo lyric di Laura Pausini è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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