leatherette - Ronaldinho testo lyric


Guitar straps orchestra.
The ship leaves for Africa.

No relief until then, count to ten, count to ten!
Wanna meet me when I get out of prison?
I guess you remember I’m no Ronaldinho
I always go cold, my Samba’s cursed.
I used to go-pro but only to monitor,
wherever I’d go, whatever I did wrong.
2016 and you wanna know why Suicide quit rock n roll:
Vega’s gone goodbye bro RIP Bowie too welcome Blonde
2016 and you wanna know why Suicide quit rock n roll:
Vega’s gone goodbye bro RIP Bowie too welcome Blonde

I loved you all along, I loved you all along, like nobody before. I’m nobody I know.
I loved you all along, I loved you all along, like nobody before. I’m nobody I know.

Guitar straps orchestra.
The ship leaves for Africa.
No relief until then,
count to ten, count to ten!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Ronaldinho di leatherette:


La canzone Ronaldinho si trova nell'album Small Talk uscito nel 2023 per Bronson Recordings, Virgin Music LAS Italia / Universal Music.

Copertina dell'album Small Talk, di leatherette

L'articolo leatherette - Ronaldinho testo lyric di leatherette è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-09-07 12:39:22


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