Le Braghe Corte - These Boots Are Made For Walking testo lyric


(Nancy Sinatra)

You keep saying
you got something for me
something you call love
but confess
you've been a 'messin'
where you shouldn't 've
been a 'messin'
and now someone else
is getting all your best

these boots are made for walking
and that's just what they'll do
one of these days these boots
are gonna walk all over you

you keep lyin'
when you oughta be truthin'
you keep losing
when you oughta not bet
you keep samin'
when you oughta be a 'changin'
what's right is right
but you ain't been right yet

you keep playing
where you shouldn't be playing
and you keep thinking
that you'll never get burnt
well, I've just found me
a brand new box of matches
and what he knows
you ain't had time to learn


La canzone These Boots Are Made For Walking si trova nell'album King Of the Fools uscito nel 2006 per Lunatik, Venus Dischi.

Copertina dell'album King Of the Fools, di Le Braghe Corte

L'articolo Le Braghe Corte - These Boots Are Made For Walking testo lyric di Le Braghe Corte è apparso su Rockit.it il 2011-12-07 15:35:58


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