LELAND DID IT - Spoiled testo lyric


we're the ungrateful
we're the spoiled
dreams of your past
nothing can last
we're the ungrateful
we're the spoiled
dreams from your past
nothing's gonna last
you should know that
we are so ungrateful
and we are so lame
I can hear you say that
over and over, over and over again
where were you this time while we were tearing ourselves into pieces?
where were you while we were tearing ourselves into pieces?
where were you while we were tearing ourselves into pieces?
where were you while we were tearing ourselves apart?
apart, apart
didn't you know that, that, that?
we are the ungrateful
but we are your voice
straight in your head
you won't see the end
we're the ungrateful
(yeah you're fucking right)
we are the noise
(you know that)
you've made your best,
time moves so fast
lives not well spent
we grab your money
we won't hit the ground running.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Spoiled di LELAND DID IT:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Fuego (di @rockitadmin con 912 brani), Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 996 brani)


Prodotto da LELAND DID IT
Musica di: Vittorio Di Lorenzo, Vittorio Di Lorenzo, Michele Scagliusi e Giuseppe Di Lorenzo
Testo di: Michele Scagliusi
Rec di Giuseppe Di Lorenzo presso Leland House e Orbita Studio - Conversano
Mix di Leland Did It e Fabrizio Faco Convertini
Master di Amaury Cambuzat (Ulan Bator) presso Let Go Ego Sound - Napoli
© e ℗ Dischi Uappissimi
Distribuzione: Artist First
Artwork: Mirko Ostuni @mirkojira
Videoclip di Antonio Stea & Mirko Ostuni

VIDEO Spoiled

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La canzone Spoiled si trova nell'album Spoiled uscito nel 2022 per Artist First, Dischi Uappissimi.

Copertina dell'album Spoiled, di LELAND DID IT

L'articolo LELAND DID IT - Spoiled testo lyric di LELAND DID IT è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-02-13 13:20:58


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