LEON SETI - Decomposed testo lyric

07/02/2025 - 21:25 Scritto da LEON SETI LEON SETI 1


And it's over
And it's over just like that
Morning after
And i'm playing a minuet
Feeling under
Cause you left me to myself
All alone to pay our debts

You leave me every time I tell you I love you
You leave me every time I hold you close
You leave me every time I wanna hold you
This love's already dead and decomposed

I need closure
I need closure for my health
You come closer
You've already cast your spell
Feeling under
Cause you left me to myself
All alone to pay our debts
And you're cold and heartless cash

I don't want you anymore
You've already made me crawl
I don't want you anymore
I don't want you anymore
You've already made me crawl
I don't want you anymore

And it's over
And it's over just like that
Morning after
And i'm playing a minuet
Feeling better
Cause I don't have any wealth
All alone to pay my debts
You're just cold and heartless cash


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Decomposed di LEON SETI:


Decomposed è raccontata come una storia d’amore fallita, ma in realtà parla del mio rapporto con il denaro, che mi sfugge subito dalle dita, come un amore non ricambiato. Il pezzo ha un climax e una presa di conoscenza molto accentuata sonicamente, seguita dalla consapevolezza che forse le cose possono cambiare. Nella canzone c’è una citazione lirica a Minuetto di Mia Martini.


La canzone Decomposed si trova nell'album Grimoire uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Grimoire, di LEON SETI

L'articolo LEON SETI - Decomposed testo lyric di LEON SETI è apparso su Rockit.it il 2025-02-07 21:25:26


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