Letters of May - Hair testo lyric



You never used to dry your hair
cause you said you don’t need to
and you touch them over
so I was wondering the ways
that would make a difference between us

While laying upon my bed
endless time of whispering souls
soft light over our skin
and your hands moving right
We were searching for new lives
never thought the things we said
the songs we sang the nicest kiss
emboding all the well

At the castle we met green forests
all around us horizons while playing in the water
and the evening breeze caressing our skin
no mind for the time we left
while playing all around

While laying upon my bed
endless time of whispering souls
soft light over our skin
and your hands moving right
We were searching for new lives
never thought the things we said
the songs we sang the nicest kiss
emboding all the well


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Hair di Letters of May:


Testo e Musica: Claudia Pieralli
Arrangiamenti: Nickolay D. Nickolov, Mattia Palagi, Claudia Pieralli
Instrumental set:
Claudia Pieralli: voce
Nickolay D. Nickolov: chitarre, synths
Mattia Palagi: basso acustico
Prodotto da: Letters of May
Registrato tra Castiglione della Pescaia (GR) e S.Niccolò, Firenze
Mixaggio e Mastering: Simone Papi presso Studio M, Calenzano (FI)


La canzone Hair si trova nell'album LoM uscito nel 2022 per the orchard, Elastica Records.

Copertina dell'album LoM, di Letters of May

L'articolo Letters of May - Hair testo lyric di Letters of May è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-06-19 15:46:14


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