Lift - Green Hope [new mix] (feat. Freddy Wales) testo lyric

15/03/2025 - 17:41 Scritto da Lift Lift 2


People running through my mind
Veins filled with your light
Thinner, brighter, faded skin
I turn gray, you want me,
you want me

The dust increasing in my eyes
Day by day I'm getting blind
Like a star you crossed my life
You left me in the darkest night

Green, I'm lost in your eyes
Green, I'm losing my mind

Acid tears are falling down
They burn my whound
Many drills are on my skin
From white to black and never clean

Time is crawling on the streets
And passes me by
But i don't know
What is holding me here.

'Cause I know, I know that's real love
'Cause I know, I know, I've fallen in love
'Cause I know, I know that's real love
'Cause I know, I know, I've fallen in love

Green, A fire in your eyes
Green, The storm in my mind
Green, I'm lost in your eyes
Green, I'm losing my mind

Green, Green
Green, Green


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Green Hope [new mix] (feat. Freddy Wales) di Lift:


Chitarra solo: Freddy Wales


La canzone Green Hope [new mix] (feat. Freddy Wales) si trova nell'album Il Primo Album in Italiano uscito nel 2018.

Copertina dell'album Il Primo Album in Italiano, di Lift

L'articolo Lift - Green Hope [new mix] (feat. Freddy Wales) testo lyric di Lift è apparso su il 2025-03-15 17:41:15


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