This one is
quite good.. she said
i need just to taste different meats, you know what i mean
Violence wears white shoes.
Violence wears white shoes.
I know it's up to you...
I eat McHuman deluxe,
And i eat McHuman deluxe,
I eat...
So why don't you take me?
I wanna a low-dignity man.
You got it!
I wanna an high-fashion make up.
You got it!
...and where's my pink bed?
You got it!
Violence wears white shoes, violence wears...
This one is quite good... she said
i need just to taste different meats, you know what i mean
Violence wears white shoes, violence wears...
I know it's up to you...
I eat McHuman deluxe,
And i eat McHuman deluxe,
I eat...
So why don't you take me?
May i know where's my pink bed?
Youre such a stupid...
This one is quite good, quite bad
You know wheres my high-fashion make-up,
Cheese man i don't know why, dont know why...
I know it's up to you...
I eat McHuman deluxe,
And i eat McHuman deluxe,
I eat...
So why don't you take me?
Premi play per ascoltare il brano McHuman Deluxe di Linea 77:
Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: euno (di @eunoemail con 346 brani)
La canzone McHuman Deluxe si trova nell'album Ketchup suicide uscito nel 1999 per Earache, Self Distribuzione S.p.A..

L'articolo Linea 77 - McHuman Deluxe testo lyric di Linea 77 è apparso su Rockit.it il 2013-04-18 18:34:53