DIGITAL · adjective
"Digital ontology consists of two main concepts: first, that bits are the atomic representation of the state of information; and second, that the temporal state of evolution is a digital information process. The second point embodies a long historical debate between humanism and cybernetics. Nevertheless, both concepts ignore the fact that we are interacting with digital objects: they are actually objects that we drag, we delete, we modify, and so on."
SHAMAN · noun
"Shamans represent humanity’s most ancient forms of healing, spirituality, and community ritual. Shamans use these rituals to induce the altered state of consciousness typified in a soul journey, where a spiritual aspect departs the body and travels to the spirit world. This is typically produced through drumming and dancing, through music."
"Digital Shamans are entities of such vast temporal and spatial dimensions that they defeat traditional ideas about what a thing is in the first place. A hypothetical agglomeration of networked interactions with the potential to produce inescapable shifts in the very conditions of existence."

Lucien Moreau
Composed and performed by Moreau.
Analog+digital widgets / moog+korg / synth+software – Lucien Moreau
Recorded and mixed at ESMA Creative Studio.
Grafica di copertina: Eugenio Squarcia @ ESMA Creative Studio
© Eugenio Squarcia | ESMA Creative Studio