Mamavegas - Argonauts (People) testo lyric

14/12/2017 - 16:50 Scritto da Mamavegas Mamavegas 21


you're strange as you walk here, pale
nearly invisible your screams
life is so far away
our thoughts weigh on you

back home you read argonauts
deep philosophy, what's new?
won't you ever smile?
stuck to your lonely chairs

they paint their nails and tell me that's the truth
should our bodies shake or should we laugh?
let's laugh, today is a rainy day

if we keep behavin' this way
we'll end up smashed to the ground
we should have talked
we shoud have lived outside


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Argonauts (People) di Mamavegas:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: euno (di @eunoemail con 346 brani)


La canzone Argonauts (People) si trova nell'album Hymn for the Bad Things uscito nel 2011 per 42 Records, Audioglobe, Rough Trade.

Copertina dell'album Hymn for the Bad Things, di Mamavegas

L'articolo Mamavegas - Argonauts (People) testo lyric di Mamavegas è apparso su il 2017-12-14 16:50:25


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