Music & Lyrics by Marco Schnabl. 2014
Solitude is a place where everything goes on
Solitude is custom made for every baby born
Solitude is a brand new car shining on a fast road
And every time it passes by I want to jump on board
Solitude is the sound of water on the rocks
Solitude is a race and nothing can be lost
Solitude is the girl you think you'd fall in love
Solitude is the illusion to mend your broken heart
Solitude is a stage blinded by the lights
Solitude is my voice singing to a crowd
Solitude is a friend you don't even know you've got
And every time I feel alone he's' the first one I call...
Produced, performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Marco Schnabl for Think Ahead Music.
VIDEO Solitude

La canzone Solitude si trova nell'album Marco Schnabl EP uscito nel 2014.

L'articolo Marco Schnabl - Solitude testo lyric di Marco Schnabl è apparso su Rockit.it il 2015-11-05 15:28:01