Biografia Marco Spiezia

I was born in a little town in the South of Italy (near Naples) in 1983. I grew up on a diet of sunshine, sea and goood food (My mum does cook some amazing pasta!). I travelled a lot with my family and then ended up, through one of those inexplicable and beautiful games of life, in Cornwall in October 1998. Music-wise my parents were a big influence on me, my dad especially teaching me a love for guitar as he was influenced himself by the likes of BB King, Jimi Hendrix, and Lucio Battisti. During my teens I listened to anything from Nina Simone to Rage Against The Machine. In my own music I try to blend the passion of Rock & Blues with the positivity of Pop and Jazz to create an upbeat mix of sounds that will hopefully get people grooving and feeling good about life!!

L'articolo Biografia Marco Spiezia di Marco Spiezia è apparso su il 2012-01-02 18:09:33