Marti - Coming from testo lyric

20/11/2017 - 18:42 Scritto da Marti Marti 41


When you're done
crying, puking, ignoring, drinking
when you're done
losing, smiling, falling, regreting
now it's my turn to tell you where I have been
and it's time to tell what I have seen

when you're done
winning ,lying, burning, breaking
when you're done
hosting, taking, replacing, digging

now it's my time to tell you where i have been
and it's time to tell what I have seen

right where I am coming from
that's where I am coming from

when you're done
lying, breaking, puking, ignoring
when you are done
losing ,smiling, taking, replacing

ow it's my turn to tell you what i have seen
'cause I have always been here with my eyes red with tears

that's where I am coming from
right where I am coming from
where I am coming from
right where I am coming from
coming from
right where I am coming from

on a day like today I am talking to you I am talking to you
on a day like today I am talking to you I am talking to you


La canzone Coming from si trova nell'album Unmade Beds uscito nel 2005 per Green Fog Records, Venus Dischi.

Copertina dell'album Unmade Beds, di Marti

L'articolo Marti - Coming from testo lyric di Marti è apparso su il 2017-11-20 18:42:07


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