Marti - If you could see me now testo lyric

20/11/2017 - 18:42 Scritto da Marti Marti 41


The hand i need it's at the end of my arm
The hand i need it's at the end of my arm
I keep repeating it to myself
I keep repeating it to myself

I am taking a long walk now
To see if I can cope with it somehow
I know that it's up to me
It did happen here

If you could see me now
I wonder what'd you see
I wonder if you'd like
The man in front of the mirror now
If you could see me now
If you could see me now
Just tell me
Can I survive in here?

The hand i need it's at the end of my arm
The hand i need it's at the end of my arm
I keep repeating it to myself
I keep repeating it to myself

As my train is pulling away
I Gotta spit the pain
Gotta spit my pain right out
I know that it's up to me
Into a forgiving position

If you could see me now
I wonder what'd you think
I wonder if you'd like
the man in front of the mirror now

if you could see me now

can you see me now?


La canzone If you could see me now si trova nell'album Unmade Beds uscito nel 2005 per Green Fog Records, Venus Dischi.

Copertina dell'album Unmade Beds, di Marti

L'articolo Marti - If you could see me now testo lyric di Marti è apparso su il 2017-11-20 18:42:07


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