Matteo Corradi - You're Too Much testo lyric


I saw your eyes in a picture
And I cannot forget that smile I know
I hear your soul in the wind,
Then I throw my heart to the sky!
I walk on the road of my dreams,
Alone, with my music, on the run
I see a little child and it seems
In my heart, we are one
Run in the wind and run so fast,
Run in the wind and close your eyes,
Run in the wind and make it last
You are so far away to touch
I’m going crazy now, you’re too much!
Let me play some music for you now
Should we just see the awful side?
Look, there’s a light in front of us
Could we forget our pride?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano You're Too Much di Matteo Corradi:


La canzone You're Too Much si trova nell'album Introspection uscito nel 2020 per Believe Digital.

Copertina dell'album Introspection, di Matteo Corradi

L'articolo Matteo Corradi - You're Too Much testo lyric di Matteo Corradi è apparso su il 2020-05-14 22:01:27


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