Matteo Palermo - Land Star testo lyric


Sometimes I feel wrong again
sometimes i feel like a lost man
I try to take hold the situation
more then I could

you think to find the right way
the right trip
as you go further with courage
a crossroads comes
the question is: where do I go?

if you ask me why
I will answer shaking my head
if you ask me why
I don’t answer fleeing from you

the different way is made of stones
drawing a land star
I try to read the five tips
they are the keys

if you ask me why
I will answer shaking my head
if you ask me why
I don’t answer fleeing from you

my life could start again
I’m not afraid, I’m not mistaken
the past will get me strong

if you ask me why
I will answer shaking my head
if you ask me why
I don’t answer fleeing from you


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Matteo Palermo


Matteo Palermo


La canzone Land Star si trova nell'album Land Star uscito nel 2016.

Copertina dell'album Land Star, di Matteo Palermo

L'articolo Matteo Palermo - Land Star testo lyric di Matteo Palermo è apparso su il 2023-11-14 14:47:12


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