Matteo Palermo - Mr Weak testo lyric


World is my home,
you built it over the centuries.
Wolf eats wolf, I know.
You were bloody warriors, legionaries, circus clowns,
you have domesticated the beasts,
now, who's the beast?
Sometimes you were missionary priests,
you wanted to teach balance to others,
now count the bodies, is this peace?
I concurrently lie,
you have to talk to me with a voice that makes
me feel quiet and calm.
Trust, you know I need trust!
This world is so confused by the splitting up
that I can't find the path.
Bright, your hand seems to be light,
see mine are foul with suffering and regret,
take 'em and pull me up
don’t let me go down
don’t let me down
You have
so many knowledge,
so many way to keep your mind safe,
__ the Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts,
the Divine Comedy._
Yet you don't know who controls you,
Yet you've created hell on this earth.
We know the endless circus
we know that this is real
we're still running in circles
weaving the veil.
We know the endless circus
we know that this is real
the Circus has us all,
can't stop the whee


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Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 996 brani)


La canzone Mr Weak si trova nell'album Mr Weak uscito nel 2022 per Sony Music, Benext Music.

Copertina dell'album Mr Weak, di Matteo Palermo

L'articolo Matteo Palermo - Mr Weak testo lyric di Matteo Palermo è apparso su il 2023-11-14 14:47:12


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