Meg - Promises testo lyric

26/10/2004 Scritto da Meg Meg 322


You're here and everyone stays still 'coz you're the one you speak nearly god your words they don't trust you promises - they all sound the same promises - they all sound the same promises - they all sound the same promises - they all sound the same you're here and every stays still 'coz you're the one you speak nearly god your words they don't trust you nothing to lose you've got nothing to lose nothing to lose speak like you've got nothing to lose turn the tv on turn the tv off


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Promises di Meg:


La canzone Promises si trova nell'album Psychodelice uscito nel 2008 per Multiformis, Self Distribuzione S.p.A..

Copertina dell'album Psychodelice, di Meg

L'articolo Meg - Promises testo lyric di Meg è apparso su il 2004-10-26 00:00:00


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