Meganoidi - King of ska? testo lyric

05/04/2018 - 12:03 Scritto da Meganoidi Meganoidi 746


As you know, I was the king of rock'n roll
I played guitar with my soul
but I just can't remember how to do it now
I'll sing for you just a little bit of Ska
I'll be the king of Ska

As you can see
something is changing around me
even my smile is changing style
now I knowI remember what to do because
I've got the groove which is making me move


Till the end I was the famous one man band
but they have changed my smile
they have changed my style


La canzone King of ska? si trova nell'album Into the darkness, into the moda (edition 2001) uscito nel 2000 per Venus Dischi.

Copertina dell'album Into the darkness, into the moda (edition 2001), di Meganoidi

L'articolo Meganoidi - King of ska? testo lyric di Meganoidi è apparso su il 2018-04-05 12:03:14


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