Melody Fall - Sick Girl testo lyric


You're my Sick Girl
You're just so hot and sexy
I want you girl
You're unpredictable
(and now I'm crazy for you girl)
You're my Sick Girl
Now tell me that you want me
I want you girl
You're unpredictable
(and now I'm crazy for you girl)

The school bell rings
I say goodbye
I just have one thing in my bored mind
Hear thousand words that fill the air
I just wanna her

She's bad, she's hot
She blows my mind
She wears a red tie and a skirt with skulls
She's freaking out here everytime
I'm staring at her

You're my Sick Girl
You're just so hot and sexy
I want you girl
You're unpredictable
(and now I'm crazy for you girl)
You're my Sick Girl
Now tell me that you want me
I want you girl
You're unpredictable
(and now I'm crazy for you girl)

Don't hold your breath
They said that night
She won't get together a normal guy
Is it too strange to change my mind
Cause I just want her

She's bad, she's hot
She's got not rules
Make sure she won't be making eyes at you
I'll be your Sick Boy
All night long her just because

You're my Sick Girl
You're just so hot and sexy
I want you girl
You're unpredictable
(and now I'm crazy for you girl)
You're my Sick Girl
Now tell me that you want me
I want you girl
You're unpredictable
(and now I'm crazy for you girl)


La canzone Sick Girl si trova nell'album Melody Fall uscito nel 2007.

Copertina dell'album Melody Fall, di Melody Fall

L'articolo Melody Fall - Sick Girl testo lyric di Melody Fall è apparso su il 2014-11-27 14:42:36


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