Mesmerising - Lighting the candle testo lyric


In the darkest night, so difficult to light the candle.
Difficult to ignore winds rattling the shudders.
Difficult to enter within and feel sanity's soft touch.
Difficult to remember who I am, and rise
Above the madness of these days and times.

The hooded one is with us. We dance
With an invisible partner who clutches us,
Twirls us, sashays us around the world's floor,
His hollow-eyed death-skull laughing at our
Frightened eyes, our tears, our flimsy little masks.

The emotional masks we wore as children
To shield our fragile hearts, doubting minds
And secret shames were very different. Now,
In grocery stores, pharmacies, drugstores,
Post offices—the smell of fear is near.

We dance with death, and the dance won't cease.
Fiddles play madly, drums pound mightily,
Guitars wail, saxophones moan, singers screech,
And death smiles gleefully, leading us on and down
Into this deep dark night, and we can't light the candle.

In the face of insanity–our howls, protests,
Cries in the night, smashed walls, shattered windows,
Gnashing teeth, cringing loved ones, our bellowing,
Our desperate yelling at the wind-tossed sea–
There is no way out, no way to blissful clarity.

But when I close my eyes and see your
Radiant beauty shining within without words,
See your grace, hear your music, and remember
Who I truly am—the silent observer of all that is
I arise clear-eyed and light the candle once again.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Lighting the candle di Mesmerising:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 1003 brani), Fuego (di @rockitadmin con 922 brani), Radici (di @rockitadmin con 855 brani)

VIDEO Lighting the candle

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La canzone Lighting the candle si trova nell'album Lighting the candle uscito nel 2024 per the orchard, Sorry Mom!.

Copertina dell'album Lighting the candle, di Mesmerising

L'articolo Mesmerising - Lighting the candle testo lyric di Mesmerising è apparso su il 2025-01-22 22:12:33


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