MFM (Mayfair FM) - The Mourning Queen testo lyric


A dark flower, like The Mourning Queen
She wore black for many years as a symbol of mourning
And I fell down to Earth from thousand miles feelings away
‘cause I thought that we were meant to be together

You’re lost
Like a fragile, goner, victim of your troubling naivety

Like a poisoned meteor I’m coming down
I’m crashing, screaming my sorrow into you
Naïve, black star from a thousand miles away
Dust is floating in Space, fading into the Void

You’re lost
Like a fragile, goner, victim of your troubling naivety


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Mourning Queen di MFM (Mayfair FM):


La canzone The Mourning Queen si trova nell'album The Possessed Alien Abortion: Part I (Cynic) uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album The Possessed Alien Abortion: Part I (Cynic), di MFM (Mayfair FM)

L'articolo MFM (Mayfair FM) - The Mourning Queen testo lyric di MFM (Mayfair FM) è apparso su il 2022-01-26 19:46:24


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