Breathe. A moment's release
Silence the telephones, the tapping keys
Wouldn't have believed
You colud sleep 5 days in a week
Headful of big dreams
And bullet holes for all to see
Days got stuck on repeat
Working the daily grind
Still ends won't meet
And I know it weighs on your heart
We walk in the dark
Tripping on faint hopes and echoes
from the distant past
Pouring rain and everything's changing
World tipping upside down
Fresh new starts false alarms
And getting dressed up for another let down
Pages turn and chapters burn
And good times are coming round
Don't cry, just don't look down
Lost and wandering back
Somebody cut the lights
The path's gone black
And you say do I know the route?
well, i'm not sure that I do
It's been a tough change
And, Christ, I know you Know that too
This page is turning don't you see?
Another night, another dream
This page is turning, just you wait and see
Don't cry, don't cry
Just don't look down
Pages turn and chapters burn
And good times are coming round
Don't cry, just don'y look down
La canzone Big Dreams And Bullet Holes si trova nell'album I Hate Music uscito nel 2014.

L'articolo Michele Bravi - Big Dreams And Bullet Holes testo lyric di Michele Bravi è apparso su Rockit.it il 2017-02-22 16:08:17