Milagro Acustico - Yalla Harrek testo lyric


(Fa girare il calice – Turns the cup - يتحول الكأس)
Lyrics: Abd ar rahman muhammad ibn umar detto al butiri as siqilli – Music: Bob Salmieri

Su, fa girare il calice,
riempilo di rubini e bevi con noi
dalla mattina alla sera.
Bevi al suono della lira bicorne
e dei canti di Ma ‘bad

Non si vive davvero se non che
nel beato suolo di Sicilia,
un principato che s’innalza
sopra quello dei Cesari.
Palazzi reali, davanti ai quali
si ferma il viaggiatore.
Ammira questo luogo, che
Allah l’ha colmato d’abbondanza;

La primavera con le sue bellezze
veste i suoi giardini di uno splendido manto
il mattino li colora con le tinte delle gemme preziose
All’aurora, come alla sera
quando i raggi del sole baciano il mare
si alza da levante
un fresco, odoroso di balsamo

Come on, let the cup turning,
fill it with rubies and drink with us
from morning to night.
Drink to the sound of the lyre bicorne
and songs of Ma 'bad

we only live
in the blessed land of Sicily,
a principality which rises
above that of the Caesars.
Royal palaces, in front of which
stops the traveler.
Admire this place, which
Allah has filled in abundance;

The spring with its beauty
give the gardens a beautiful mantle
the morning colors them
with the colors of precious gems
At dawn, as in the evening
when the rays of the sun kiss the sea
rises from the east
a fresh, fragrant balsam.

يلاّ حرّك القدح
واملأه بالياقوت واشرب معنا
من الصّباح إلى المساء
اشرب على صوت القيثارة ذات القرنين
و أغاني المعبد
لا يعاش حقّا إلاّ في أرض صقلّية المباركة
إمارة ترتفع أعلى فوق أولئك القياصرة
قصور ملكية أمامها يتوقف المسافر
مذهل هذا المكان الذي ملأه اللّه بوفرة
الرّبيع بجماله يلبس هذه الحدائق عباءة مذهلة
يصبغها الصّبح الأحجار الكريمة عند الشروق و عند الغروب
ولمّا تقبّل أشعّة الشّمس البحر يرتفع من الشرق
نسيم عليل معطّر بالبلسم

Yalla Harrek al-QedeH
Wamlaa’hu bel yaQuti washrab maana
Mena assabaH ilal masà
Ishrab àla sawtel qithara Dhatel karnayn
Wa aGhanil maàbad

Emaraton tartafe’ou aàla fawQa ulaiikal Qayasira
Qusur malakiya amamaha yatawaqaful musaferu
moDh’helon haDhal amakan allaDhi malàahu allabiwafratin

Yolbisur rabii bi jamalihi haDhihil HadaiiQ àabaatan moDhelatan
yasbaGhuha assobHu bi’alwanel aHjar al karima E’end al-Ghurub
wa E’en al masaa
wa Hina tuQabelu ashe’àatu ashams al-baHr yartafe’ou
mena asharQ nasimon àalil muàataron bel balsami.


Testi tratti dai Poeti Arabi di sicilia (827 - 1091)
Musiche: Bob Salmieri


La canzone Yalla Harrek si trova nell'album Sicilia Araba (Arabic Poets of Sicily 827 - 1091) uscito nel 2012.

Copertina dell'album Sicilia Araba (Arabic Poets of Sicily 827 - 1091), di Milagro Acustico

L'articolo Milagro Acustico - Yalla Harrek testo lyric di Milagro Acustico è apparso su il 2014-01-18 22:31:34


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