Mindless Escape - Switch/Kisses testo lyric


If only I could have it
I'd shut the world around down
Just to ease my neuroticism
like razors on your lips
They cut my tongue in pieces
And make it hard to speak

Our tide is low, this ship is wrecking
I never wanted you to pay for my mess
You've been my handhold for a moment
I have to leave, I'm not the one you expect

If only you could have it
You'd shut your demons down and out,
To retrieve your inner peace
And Kisses
Are Just another way to breath
Now rooms are suffocating
Is getting hard to speak

Our tide is low, this ship is wrecking
I never wanted you to pay for my mess
You've been my handhold for a moment
I have to leave, I'm not the one you expect

If only we had had it
To turn the tide of endings
We should have press it from beginning
And Kisses
The hardest part to leave
It breaks my heart in pieces
This one is one to keep
For you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Switch/Kisses di Mindless Escape:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Mindless 2025 (di @MindlessEscape con 1 brani)


La canzone Switch/Kisses si trova nell'album Switch/Kisses uscito nel 2025.

Copertina dell'album Switch/Kisses, di Mindless Escape

L'articolo Mindless Escape - Switch/Kisses testo lyric di Mindless Escape è apparso su Rockit.it il 2025-03-16 15:30:10


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