

Mirko Russo

2024 - Alternativo, Post-Rock, Ambient


What I like to do with an album is to guide the listener into a path. The path of this album goes through a series of moments in my life that were marked by something meaningful, which was nevertheless ignored by myself: the emotions I felt during those moments. Before, I wasn’t really aware or I denied the existence of such "movements from the self" until a certain phase of my life, when something inside me and the presence of a very special person led me to listen to this inner world better. But being able to hear is not everything: one should be able to express the emotions, so that other people can feel that person is alive. So, with these songs I want to prove and to remind myself, most of all, that I am alive and that I feel something. This reminder will hopefully be useful to make myself express better my emotions, because they marked, as for everybody, countless moments of my life and defined my identity, which I welcome and accept without wanting to change who I am for the fear of being pushed away or misunderstood.



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