Mirrorball - Two Minutes More testo lyric

20/08/2023 - 12:50 Scritto da Mirrorball Mirrorball 1


Don't you think you need more time for making love?
To rest your head you need so much more
Time you swore would be kept deep right in your heart
Time to taste what you did buy so hard

Cannot stand aside your marker today
Give me two minutes, two minutes more
The traffic plays unfair in my own way
Give me two minutes, two minutes more

I can feel anxiety rising up deep inside
And see your weird red flag standing high
Above the clouds an unknown bullseye seems to hide
Away from your laughter I'd keep my ride

The aeroplane's flying low amongst the waves
Give me two minutes, two minutes more
Anxiety won't blow up soon, she says
Give me two minutes, two minutes more

Cannot stand aside your marker today
Give me two minutes, two minutes more
The traffic plays unfair in my own way
Give me two minutes, two minutes more

The aeroplane's flying low amongst the waves
Give me two minutes, two minutes more
Anxiety won't blow up soon, she says
Give me two minutes, two minutes more


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Two Minutes More di Mirrorball:


La canzone Two Minutes More si trova nell'album Two Minutes More uscito nel 2023 per Distrokid.

Copertina dell'album Two Minutes More, di Mirrorball

L'articolo Mirrorball - Two Minutes More testo lyric di Mirrorball è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-08-20 12:50:42


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