Miss Ceci Pippi - Somethin Better testo lyric


He walks along singing his fairy song
Picking up magic that grows at his feet.
She says the same her peculiar way
Dreaming good fortune on everyone's street.
Say, hey, have you heard, blue whiskey's the rage,
I'll send you a jug in the morning.
It is absurd to live in a cage,
You know there's got to be something better.
As they go by, don't look with eagle's eyes
Smile on your jailers until they grow weak.
Nothing can compare to something that's almost there
To tear up the madness that all of us seek.
Say, hey, have you heard, blue whiskey's the rage,
I'll send you a jug in the morning.
It is absurd to live in a cage,
You know there's got to be something better.
Parole di Gerry Goffin


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Somethin Better di Miss Ceci Pippi:


La nostra versione, con nostro personale arrangiamento, del celebre pezzo portato al successo da Marianne Faithfull


Gerry Goffin
Barry Mann
Cecilia Ciaschi

VIDEO Somethin Better

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La canzone Somethin Better si trova nell'album Somethin Better uscito nel 2017.

Copertina dell'album Somethin Better, di Miss Ceci Pippi

L'articolo Miss Ceci Pippi - Somethin Better testo lyric di Miss Ceci Pippi è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-10-07 21:14:24


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