mohndaze - When We'll Wake Up testo lyric

15/01/2022 - 16:53 Scritto da mohndaze mohndaze 1


From now on everything will be different
The places I’ve been coming are the countries in your mind

When I see this, when I see this turning of the history
I look at you, ‘cause barbarians rule

When we’ll wake up,
When we’ll wake up, it will be gone

If all these fantasies come
if all these fantasies come
If all these fantasies come…

chasing around


Premi play per ascoltare il brano When We'll Wake Up di mohndaze:


track n.2 from "mohndaze ep" (new sonic records, 2017)
music by mohndaze, lyrics by emanuele guidoboni


La canzone When We'll Wake Up si trova nell'album mohndaze ep uscito nel 2016 per New Sonic Records.

Copertina dell'album mohndaze ep, di mohndaze

L'articolo mohndaze - When We'll Wake Up testo lyric di mohndaze è apparso su il 2022-01-15 16:53:32


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