Live from Casa degli Archi – Bussana Vecchia, Italy Summer of Art 2019 - 31st August

Live from Casa degli Archi – Bussana Vecchia, Italy Summer of Art 2019 - 31st August


2019 - Strumentale, Sperimentale, Ambient


Łukasz Mrozinski creates soundscapes with loops of effected clarinet between conventional composition and digital abstraction.
The performance oscillates between warm structures and noise improvisations and thereby maps its musical frontiers, influenced by jazz, classical music, klezmer and ambient-meditations.

01. Imbolc
It is the time for purification, pledges and initiation.
02. Ostara
It is the time of new beginnings. Light and darkness are again in balance.
The God is the Woods' man, young and wild.
03. La Nostra Canzone
04. Samhain
The veil between this world and the afterlife is at its thinnest point. It is the time for death awareness.
05. Modron on summertime
The Godess joins the God who turns into the master of the darkness and rebirth.

So here are you, and here am I,
Where we may thank our gods to be;
Above the earth, beneath the sky,
Naked souls alive and free.
The autumn wind goes rustling by
And stirs the stubble at our feet;
Out of the west it whispering blows,
Stops to caress and onward goes,
Bringing its earthy odours sweet.
See with what pride the setting sun
Kinglike in gold and purple dies,
And like a robe of rainbow spun
Tinges the earth with shades divine.
That mystic light is in your eyes
And ever in your heart will shine.

The Pagan - George Orwell


released October 2, 2019

Łukasz Mrozinski – Clarinet, Electronics, Additional Recordings
All songs written and performed by Łukasz Mrozinski
Published by I Dischi del Minollo
Recorded live on August 31, 2019 at Casa degli Archi, Bussana Vecchia, Italy

Available on Bandcamp and digital stores


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