Muddy Fly - cold as fire testo lyric

23/10/2012 - 23:36 Scritto da Muddy Fly Muddy Fly 1


Let the stone roll in your head
The thoughts are going faster
Drink this dark sea full of waves
The waves that bring the darkness
In the sky the clouds are grey
The rain will last forever
When it's cold don't be afraid?for what I say

Love the hate and hate the fate
The fear's about to leave soon
At that time you'll be released
Released from what you think true
Nevermind if you are sad
Another day will come and
Will protect you from the shame..for what I say your fucking brain


La canzone cold as fire si trova nell'album R_evolution uscito nel 2004 per Sub Records.

L'articolo Muddy Fly - cold as fire testo lyric di Muddy Fly è apparso su il 2012-10-23 23:36:38


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