on a dancefloor
what the hall smell of
just to keep
the flow goes on
learn these simple steps:
Clap your hands to the left and the right
shake your head and go in time
once you've done that dance with your feet
step one in the back, in the front and repeat
We'll teach you
Something new
How to feel
what we feel
The weight of the stars
in just one finger tips
Clap your hands to the left and the right
shake your head and go in time
once you've done that dance with your feet
step one in the back, in the front and repeat
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Napalm on Bxxx Gxxxx di My Awesome Mixtape:
La canzone Napalm on Bxxx Gxxxx si trova nell'album My Lonely And Sad Waterloo uscito nel 2007 per I Dischi De L'Amico Immaginario, My Honey Records.

L'articolo My Awesome Mixtape - Napalm on Bxxx Gxxxx testo lyric di My Awesome Mixtape è apparso su Rockit.it il 2007-04-11 00:00:00